Speaker: Julie O’Meara, DBH, MA
This one-hour webinar focuses solely on the importance of these visits, and how to properly code and document them in order to be in compliance with CMS requirements and receive the highest reimbursement rates.
Webinar Materials:
- Medicare Wellness Visit (PowerPoint)

Julie O’Meara, DBH, MA
Julie O’Meara is a healthcare consultant specializing in value-based care management strategies and population health models for FQHC’s and primary care clinics. She works with organizations to design integrated care solutions to maximize incentive payments while improving patient health outcomes. A key component to achieving this is the Annual Wellness Visit. Julie has her doctorate and clinical certification in Integrated Behavioral Health from Arizona State University. In 2022, she received a new industry certification in value-based care from Boise State University and hopes to help expand this knowledge by teaching this certification program to other universities across the country. She is passionate about prevention and how our minds and emotions affect lifestyle choices. She worked at a FQHC where she designed an integrated population health model that focused on a team approach to the Annual Wellness Visit that resulted in improved incentive-based ratings two-fold in one year after implementation