Prevention and Intervention
A Comprehensive Approach to Suicide Prevention
Suicide Prevention Resource Center
A national federally supported resource center with training, state activities, fact sheets, and more.
Effective Suicide Prevention with Case Examples
Suicide Prevention Resource Center
Four-minute video that provides a brief overview of SPRC’s Effective Suicide Prevention Model, which can help you carry out suicide prevention efforts that are most likely to be effective.
Suicide Prevention Social Media Toolkit
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
A resource that outlines appropriate messages to communicate and raise awareness to increase prevention efforts.
Preventing Suicide: A Technical Package of Policy, Programs, and Practices
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
Strategies and recommendations based on the best available evidence to help communities focus efforts and activities to achieve their greatest potential to prevent suicide.
Understanding Risk and Protective Factors for Suicide: A Primer for Preventing Suicide
Suicide Prevention Resource Center
How to identify risk and protective factors and ways to use them in the strategic planning process.
Guidelines/toolkits on tailored suicide prevention strategies in specific settings:
Responding to Grief, Trauma, and Distress After a Suicide: U.S. National Guidelines
National Action Alliance for Suicide Prevention
A framework to integrate and coordinate postvention activities, provide communication tools about the impact of suicide, and provide infrastructure for training suicide bereavement support and treatment.
Resources for Suicide Postvention Planning
Suicide Prevention Resource Center
Various resources including guidelines, safe messaging, and toolkits.
Best Practices and Recommendations for Reporting on Suicide
Online Collaborative Resource Reporting on Suicide
Recommendations on reporting and the media around safe reporting on suicide.
Reduce Suicide Risk and Promote Healing – Suicide Postvention Training
Connect, a Program of the National Alliance on Mental Illness, New Hampshire
Brief Protocols, training, and consultation for general audiences and specific audiences (i.e. first responders, faith leaders, police officers, American Indian/Alaska Native groups).
Lifeline Online Postvention Manual
National Suicide Prevention Hotline
Manual that discusses messaging guidelines, especially the role of the internet in postvention and ways to target online communities when there is a suicide death.
After Rural Suicide: A Guide for Coordinated Community Postvention Response
Suicide Prevention Resource Center
A guide applicable to any community planning a response to a suicide or suicides.
Guidelines/toolkits on tailored postvention responses in specific settings:
Video Resources